Video optimization - How do I incorporate the use of a transcript

by Admin

02 Oct
 None    General

by Jody Nimetz

by Jody Nimetz

As part of best practices for video optimization, it is recommended that you create and submit a transcript for users and the search engines. In fact Google states that users will be able to find your video more easily if you add a transcript to each video file you've uploaded via your Video Status page.

Here are a few tips/hints for incorporating the use of transcripts with your video.

Create a Keyword Rich Title for your Transcript

Include a brief introductory paragraph/synopsis that describes the subject matter of your transcript (and video).

Publish Your Transcript - first off be sure to publish your transcript. Consider adding the transcript to your site or blog. Displaying a transcript of your video can help improve your rankings for your chosen keywords at Google and the other engines. Search engines love content; placing an actual transcript on your site is a great way to add content that is unique to your site.

Use a Video Transcription Service - there are a number of services that can help you with video transcription. A simple search in Google returns these results for video transcription resources.

Format the transcript so that it is time-coded - a time-coded transcript breaks the script of the video into manageable segments. The time of each segment should be listed in the following format: HH:MM:SS.mmm. Save the transcript as a .txt file. According to Google the format should be as follows:

HH: Hours starting at 00
MM: Minutes starting at 00
SS: Seconds starting at 00
mmm: Milliseconds starting at 000

Your time-coded transcript would look something like this:

Words said between 09:54:50.000 and 09:54:53.000
Words said between 09:54.53.000 and the next segment.
Words said at 09:54:54.000

If possible, try to incorporate the use of transcripts with your video. It is important to understand that adding transcripts can be time consuming and you really need to do your homework to determine if adding a transcript is a viable option as you submit video. From an SEO point of view, there is benefit in that a transcript provides an opportunity to add fresh content that is unique to your site based on video that you have uploaded. If you cannot provide a full transcript of your video, consider adding a Video Synopsis to each of your videos possibly on your video sitemap page.

The practice of online video optimization is still new to many. Adding a transcript is just one way to help users find your videos. Begin with Google video and look to other resources to see which ones return the best results for your site.

In conjunction with incorporating transcripts with your online video, the following links to other Google video resources offer a great place to learn more about uploading video content.

Google Video Resources

How Do I Upload Videos?

Where and How Do I Upload Video Content?

Google Video Help Center

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