Is Search Engine Marketing Right for My Business?

by Admin

14 Apr
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by Tom Shivers

Perhaps you've redesigned your website and are wondering if search engine marketing (SEM) or search engine optimization (SEO) is right for your business. Or maybe you don't trust most search engine marketing companies to do what they claim they will do. Maybe you feel like you are running in place, spending money on SEM but not seeing the results you anticipated. Or you feel abused because your site is re-optimized every time you work with an SEO company and still no results.

This article will help you recognize the legitimate, ethical SEO and search engine marketing companies as opposed to those who are making unsubstantiated claims. Armed with this info, you will be able to sort out the claims an SEM company makes and drill into the claim enough to expose the truth.

Google is now Smarter than Daddy

by Admin

12 Apr
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by Gord Hotchkiss

It was a sad day in the Hotchkiss household. While doing her homework, my twelve year old daughter Alanna had a question. Until now, she always asked me, her father. This time, she went straight to Google. The 10 year old, Lauren, is already heading in the same direction. I'm sensing the old days may never return.

Being in a somewhat philosophical mood (I have the time, now that I don't have to answer questions about pH balances and what a litmus test is) I pondered the implications of this. If there's a box that always has the right answers, what does this mean for our society? How will having instant access to the absolute authority on everything impact us?

Analytics: Advanced Analysis

by Admin

11 Apr
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by Manoj Jasra

Attending Omniture's Web Analytics Summit last week has made me realize the extent of segmentation and analysis an analytics suite can provide for an organization. As stated in a previous article, about half of search marketers use analytics. This is a surprisingly low figure; however, of this 50%, how many online marketers are aware of the advanced features that can help focus and drive their overall search marketing strategies? Having analytics in place is just half of the solution, actually using them and tailoring them to provide solid information and reasoning is what separates those on the leading edge from those on the bleeding edge.

In this article I will provide some insight into some of the complex analytics features that are not readily apparent to many of the marketing professionals in the search industry. (Please note that the topics discussed are a little advanced, but continue reading because they can be applied to any search marketing strategy,large or small,and will undoubtedly lead to you making the right decisions more often than not.)

Search Engine Information from the EXOMXPO Convention

by Admin

10 Apr
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by Michael Rock

I attended the EXOMXPO convention and found one seminar to be very helpful and informational and thought I would share the knowledge with you. This seminar called, 'Getting the Word Out' gives many ideas on how to bring traffic into your web site AND generate a better ROI (Return on Investment) to get more sales.

Google Related Links

by Admin

08 Apr
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by Jody Nimetz

Google has released Google Related Links which is a new feature that would allow Google to add dynamic relevant content links to your website. These related links will be placed on the side of your site offering users with navigation to related content. These links may go to related news, related searches or related pages based on the topics found on that page.

There are various formats that webmasters can select and implementing Google Related Links is quick and easy. All that you need to do is copy and past the javascript coding to the page and when visitors come to the page, Google will provide dynamic links to other sources of information that is related to the content on your page.

Google - Govt Impasse Resolved: Well, For Now

by Admin

07 Apr
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by Joseph Pratt

The issue of Internet privacy rights in America has been a hot topic of late. The latest flashpoint was a showdown in San Jose, CA pitting the Department of Justice against the giant search engine Google. Essentially, the Department of Justice wants to rewrite and make constitutionally viable the federal Child Online Protection Act of 1998, which was overturned on constitutional grounds in 2004.

A common misconception is that this whole brouhaha stems from a governmental crackdown on child pornography. It isn't. It's instead a measure designed to curtail the easy access of material considered 'adult' to minors through the Internet. Loosely speaking, this federal act takes search engines to task, at least partially, in shielding kids from pornographic and objectionable material. Search engines, like Google, maintain that it's not their job to police information, but the users. The major search engines, in sympathy with what's socially acceptable, employ standard search filters which must be disabled before making searches for raunchy material.

As Search Engines Grow Smarter, Will You?

by Admin

06 Apr
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by Joseph Pratt

As search gets smarter, tricks get cheaper and we get nearer to coming full circle to an original goal of Internet search: that content is, indeed, king. It cuts across the grain of some notions we've held in the industry for some time, that there are shortcuts aplenty in the hunt for better search rankings. Search experts at dissuade clients from thinking that they can or should fool Google and Yahoo. Instead, we show them solid methodology that works. Above all else, your website needs superior content that anchors your search engine optimization strategy.

Algorithmic innovation, much of it by Google's engineers, has thankfully rendered search engine spamming a fruitless endeavor. This has made the search engine a far greater tool for us to use and, in turn, has sparked the online advertising industry.

212 Newsmaker Night with John Battelle: Author of The Search

by Admin

06 Apr
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by Joseph Pratt

I'm looking at John Battelle's words that I jotted onto my notepad: 'ephemeral to the eternal'. He was describing the permanent trace we leave behind as Internet users - how our immediate needs or curious whims are logged forever through the process of search. These electronic etchings serve as treasure maps to those nimble and opportunistic enough to read them. Search is a vitally important aspect to the users and businesses alike, and there isn't a better guide in the field today than Mr. Battelle. When people ask me about search, which is often; I immediately refer them to his blog, Searchblog (, without qualification.

I went with's VP of Sales, Diana Lee, to hear Mr. Battelle speak last week in New York City. It was 212 Engagement's 'Newsmaker Night', sponsored by CBS Digital Media. He authored 'The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture', he has an influential search industry blog aptly named Searchblog. He founded The Standard and Wired Magazine. And there's even more, but what interests me is that his opinion shapes the opinions in the Search world. Simply put, Battelle's credentials impress.

Can duplicate content influence your rankings?

by Admin

05 Apr
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Web site promotion software tools

Every few months, webmaster forums discuss if search engines penalize duplicate content.

Duplicate content can happen if web pages publish the same articles, if different domains point to the same web space or if webmasters steal the content of other pages. If two shops sell the same item and use similar shop systems, some product pages can also look like duplicated web pages.

Hey, It is Your Domain, Your Future

by Admin

05 Apr
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by Jeff Conduct

Establishing your business or organization online is critical to business planning. And a good starting point is to establish your own domain name. Since the registration process is a snap and its benefits undeniable, there's no excuse not to have your own domain registered - even for businesses or projects barely on the chalkboard.

First, you'll need to find out if your domain is available. There are several online avenues for this task. I've found the Trademark Electronic Search System, to be a valuable resource. Another option is

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