SEO PowerSuite Team Issues a Guide on the Pigeon Update, Explains How to Adapt One’s SEO Strategy

by Admin

The recent update from Google, aimed at improving local listings, has caused quite a stir among webmasters; the guide shows what the Pigeon update is about and how exactly site optimizers should adapt their SEO strategies for the changes.

The recent update from Google, aimed at improving local listings, has caused quite a stir among webmasters; the guide shows what the Pigeon update is about and how exactly site optimizers should adapt their SEO strategies for the changes.

Link-Assistant.Com, the leading SEO software provider and the company behind SEO PowerSuite, today released a guide on the recent search algorithm update from Google. Rolled out on July 25, 2014, Pigeon is a core change to the local search engine algorithm update. According to multiple feedback, the update has indeed caused adjustments to the representation of local businesses in search results. To make sure that webmasters have got all the freshest information at their fingertips, SEO PowerSuite has put together a compilation to explain what the Pigeon is, how it affects rankings and how SEO strategies should be adapted for the changes.

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