Google's Semantic Search Changes Coming Soon

by Admin

23 Apr
 None    Search Engines


... It's What We've Been Saying All Along!

by Rebecca Maynes

Google makes hun­dreds of changes to its algo­rithm every year, mostly minor, but some major, that can have a sig­nif­i­cant effect on traf­fic and rank­ings. For mar­keters, under­stand­ing these updates can help pro­vide insight into the changes in rank­ing and traf­fic, as well as ways of improv­ing search engine optimization.

In March 2012, The Wall Street Jour­nal reported that Google’s Amit Sing­hal had announced the impend­ing intro­duc­tion of seman­tic search into the Google algo­rithm. The change will soon be inte­grated into blended search results in order to pro­vide users with bet­ter search results.

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