Facebook's New Timeline: Marketers Take Note

by Admin

11 Oct
 None    Internet Related

by Karl Houtigan

by Karl Houtigan

Face­book con­tin­ues to evolve, and one of the lat­est fea­tures they’ve announced could become really use­ful for mar­keters to tap into. The new fea­ture is called Time­line; from the indi­vid­ual Face­book user’s per­spec­tive, Time­line is a new kind of pro­file. For peo­ple who want to share a more com­plete pic­ture of them­selves on Face­book, (hmmm, man­ag­ing your per­sonal brand?), Time­line will allow them to share things they do on their favourite web­sites and apps. Users will be able to add or remove any­thing to their Time­line and build a com­plete pro­file, from their very first activ­ity on Face­book to their lat­est post.

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