Analyzing Your Web Traffic

by Admin

18 Aug
 None    Site Promotion

by Karl Hourigan

by Karl Hourigan

What’s Hap­pen­ing?
We believe a cor­po­rate web site can be the most effec­tive mar­ket­ing tool a com­pany can use, but a sur­pris­ing num­ber of com­pa­nies we talk to do not under­stand how their web site is per­form­ing. How many vis­i­tors is the web site attract­ing? How many pages do vis­i­tors view? Where did they come from (a search engine, a refer­ring site like a blog or direc­tory, etc.)? What coun­try are they in? What are the key­words they are using in their searches that brought them to the site?

This news item is from Promotion Data