comScore Ranks Infolinks Largest Among Top 10 Growing Sites

by Admin

26 Mar
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According to comScore, Infolinks leads the top 10 sites with highest growth, when ranked by unique visitors, in January - February 2010.

According to comScore, Infolinks leads the top 10 sites with highest growth, when ranked by unique visitors, in January - February 2010. The massive growth in interest during the first quarter of the year may indicate a new trend in the online advertising realm. On the current trajectory, Infolinks In Text Advertising is on course to make big gains in 2010.

Mountain View, CA March 25, 2010 -- Infolinks ranks #1 in comScore’s Top 10 Gaining Properties by Unique Visitors. comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, released its monthly analysis of U.S. Web activity at the top-growing properties and site categories. According to comScore, Infolinks leads the top 10 sites with highest growth, when ranked by unique visitors, in January - February 2010.

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