Module mod_rewrite Tutorial (Part 3)

Rewriting URLs
by Dirk Brockhausen

In the two preceding parts of this tutorial we explained the basics of Rules and

We will now follow up with two examples to illustrate their use for somewhat more
complex applications.

The first example deals with dynamicall generated pages while the second example
will cover calling up ".txt" files.

For our first example, let's assume that you want to sell several items of
merchandise on your web site.

Your clients are guided to various detailed product descriptions via a script:

These URLs are included as links on your site.

If you want to submit these dynamic pages to the search engines, you are
confronted with the problem that most of them will not accept URLs containing the
"?" character.

However, it would be perfectly possible to submit an URL of the following format:

Here, the "?" character has been replaced by "/".

Yet more pleasing to the eye would be a URL of this type:

To the search engine, this appears to be just another acceptable hyperlink, with
"shop" presenting a directory containing files "product1", "product2", etc.

If a visitor clicks this link on a search engine's results page, this URL must be
reconverted to make sure that "shop.cgi?product1" will actually be called.

To this effect we will make use of mod_rewrite with the following entries:

RewriteEngine on
Options FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)shop/(.*)$ $1cgi-bin/shop.cgi?$2

The variables $1 and $2 constitute so-called "backreferences". These are related
to text groups.

Everything called in the clicked URL which is located before "shop" plus everything
following "shop/" is defined by and stored in the two variables $1 and $2

Up to this point our given examples made use of rules such as this one:

RewriteRule ^.htaccess*$ - [F]

However, we did not yet achieve a true rewrite in the sense that one URL would be
switched to another.

For the entry in our current example:

RewriteRule ^(.*)shop/(.*)$ $1cgi-bin/shop.cgi?$2

this general syntax applies:

RewriteRule currentURL rewrittenURL

As you can see, this command executes a real rewrite.

In addition to installing the ".htaccess" file, all links in your normal HTML pages
which follow the format "cgi-bin/shop.cgi?product" must be changed to:
"shop/product" (without the quotes).

When a spider visits a normal HTML page of this kind it will also follow or crawl the
product links because there is no question mark contained in the link anymore to
prevent it from doing so.

So employing this method you can convert dynamically generated product
descriptions into seemingly static web pages and feed them to the search engines.

In our second example we will discuss how to redirect calls for ".txt" files to a
program script.

Many webspace providers running Apache will feature system log files only in
common format. What this means is that these logs will not store visitor Referrers
and UserAgents.

However, in relation to "robots.txt" calls it is preferable to have access to this
information in order to learn more about visiting spiders than merely their IPa.

To effect this, the entries in ".htaccess" should be as follows:

RewriteEngine on
Options FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^robots.txt$ /text.cgi?%

Now, when "robots.txt" is called, the applied Rule will redirect your visitor to the
program script "text.cgi".

Furthermore, a variable is conveyed to the script which will be processed by the

"REQUEST_URI" defines the name of the file you expect to be called. In out
example this is "robots.txt".

The script will now read the contents of "robots.txt" and will forward them to the
web browser or the search engine spider.

Finally, the visitor hit is archived in the log file. To this effect, the script will pull
the environmental variables "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}" etc. This will provide the
required information.

Here is the source code for the cgi script mentioned above:

# If required, adjust line above to point to Perl 5.
# (c) Copyright 2000 by #
# All rights reserved. #

$stats_dir = "stats";
$log_file = "stats.log";

$remote_host = "$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}";
$remote_addr = "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";
$user_agent = "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}";
$referer = "$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}";
$document_name = "$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}";

open (FILE, "robots.txt");
@TEXT = ;
close (FILE);


("$date $remote_host $remote_addr $user_agent $referer $document_namen");

print "Content-type: text/plainnn";
print @TEXT;


sub get_date {
$mon ;
$sec = sprintf ("d", $sec);
$min = sprintf ("d", $min);
$hour = sprintf ("d", $hour);
$mday = sprintf ("d", $mday);
$mon = sprintf ("d", $mon);
$year = scalar localtime;
$year =~ s/.*?(d{4})/$1/;
$date="$year-$mon-$mday, $hour:$min:$sec";

sub log_hits {
open (HITS, ">>$stats_dir/$log_file");
print HITS @_;
close (HITS);

To install the script, upload it to your web site's main or DocumentRoot directory
by ftp and change file permissions to 755.

Next, create the directory "stats".

A more detailed description on how to install a script can he found in our online
manuals, e.g. here:

< >

If your server's configuration does not permit execution of Perl or CGI scripts in
the main directory (DocumentRoot), you may wish to try the following RewriteRule

RewriteRule ^robots.txt$ /cgi-bin/text.cgi?%

Note, however, that in this case you will have to modify the paths accordingly in
the program script!

Finally, here's the solution to our quiz from the previous tutorial:

RewriteCond % ^216.32.64
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [F]

Quiz question:
If we don't write "^216.32.64." for a regular expression in the configuration
above, but "^216.32.64" instead, will we get the identical effect, i.e. will this
exclude the same IPs?

The regular expression ^216.32.64 will apply e.g. to the following strings:


Hence, "4" may be followed by any character string.

However, IP addresses can only have the maximal value - which
implies that e.g. 216.32.642.12 is not a valid IP. The only valid IP in the list
above is!

Although the two regular expressions "^216.32.64." and "^216.32.64" allow
for different strings, due to the technical limitation of IP addresses to 0-255 this
range of IPs will remain excluded.

Dirk Brockhausen is the co-founder and principal of Ltd. (UK) and GmbH (Belgium), a company specializing in webmasters software
 development, industrial-strength cloaking and search engine positioning services.
He holds a doctorate in physics and has worked as an SAP consultant and software
developer since 1994. He is also Technical Editor of fantomNews, a free newsletter
focusing on search engine optimization, available at:
< >
You can contact him at mailto:-email-
(c) copyright 2000 by

The Apache mod_rewrite Tutorials

Module mod_rewrite Tutorial — Part 1/4
The Apache Server Power Commander

Module mod_rewrite Tutorial — Part 2/4
Rule Conditions

Module mod_rewrite Tutorial — Part 3/4
Rewriting URLs

Module mod_rewrite Tutorial — Part 4/4
Special Directives and Examples




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